Below is a comprehensive listing of the set pieces, drops, and props included in each set rental package. If it is not listed then it is likely *not* included in the rental.
Main Set
Included Set
Nightclub - Small platform and rolling bar with 2 round tables.
Under the bridge - 40x20 Drop
Police Station - Backdrop wall, 13' wide x 2' deep x 10' tall. This is the backside of Eddie's apartment. No furniture is included.
Cathedral - Uses show legs while adding rear wall and staircases 4 8' wide, 2' deep platforms
Eddies Apartment - Translucent wall panels that double as the backdrop for the disco number, 2 sections, 8' wide x 10' tall, 1 section 13' wide x 10' tall (this is the backside of the Police Station). City drop.
Dive Bar - Wagon with walls and bar set-up 12' wide x 2' deep x 10' tall
Music Room - Uses 1 section of pew platform reversed on the stage
Confessional - Confessional wall panel 6' wide by 3' deep